Thursday, May 1, 2008

Totally Excellent! Part Deux

Continuing with the theme, let's peruse the awesomeness here. Now, duh! Feather boa...always superfine. But take a look at the photo on the left. I'm actually flaring my nostrils. I learned that these are actually two different shoots. The cowl neck sweater series is when I was 15. Feather boa is obviously Senior pictures. Here's another:

You'll notice with age came wisdom and a lot less eye make-up. But check my brows, man. Where was Tiffany, the Vietnamese waxer when I needed her!?! If you're patient, watch carefully. They should turn into butterflies after their final transformation.


Daisy said...

I'm getting a good laugh from these pictures. I was never good at the big hair thing. It bothered me in the 80's. Now I'm just terribly glad I don't have these blackmail photos around anywhere.

I took a break from the boards. Too much drama. It was starting to get to me. But I didn't want to add to the drama by saying I was leaving. LOL.

suburbansocialite said...

OK. I had that picture of you in the sweater and used to think it was super cool. Great photos. BTW, blast from the past, Leo Faubian posted a message on for me. How funny is that?
Love the pictures.

Urban Mom said...

I am so NOT as brave as you about old pictures. I hope mine stayed buried in my mom's basement for 1,000 years! But I love it when other's do the Rewind To The 80's thing on their blogs. It's always fun!!

Paula said...

Like Totally cute. I'm having 80's flashbacks as well, especially with the music! I want my MTV (remember when they played actual videos?)