Jupiter is considered a gas giant. It has a small, rocky core, but all around this core are swirling gases. So, Jupiter is a big ol' ball of atmosphere.
Saturn is also a gas giant made mostly from Helium and Hydrogen.
Did you know Uranus was a gas giant, as well? *snicker*
Me: Can you name any other Gas Giants in our solar system?
Aaron: (still giggling)Papa Larry?
Me: (above hysterical laughter) Well, I was looking for Neptune, but...(laughter continues)...nevermind.
A lesser known, but my favorite Gas Giant...Larry.
BTW, I was intrigued by you meez.com avatar. So I clicked on it and have just spent the last hour clicking around there! Thanks for the idea, hope that it's ok that I borrowed from it. =-)
That was just what I needed to read today. I'm laughing hysterically and I don't even know Papa Larry.. :)
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