That is Philip in the back. ***sigh*** I love this kid. ***Disclaimer-I love all of my kids. But, today is Phil's birthday and he's not here. :( The one thing he wanted for his birthday was to spend a week with Nana and Papa in Dallas. So he's there and I miss him.
This kid was special from the moment I felt him squirming in my belly. He was conceived on Valentines Day, due on Thanksgiving and born on Halloween. And he was fat. I like my babies fat and he did not disappoint. He weighed a whopping 9 lbs. 9 oz. And he was a little early. He had (and still has 'em) huge eyes with ridiculously long eye lashes. There were so many kissy places on that kid he was like a walking hickey.
Philip liked to dress up. He wore a cape for the first four years of his life. One year my mom made him a Santa costume. He was crazy about Santa. He wore it until June the next year. The year he was Spiderman for
So he's 12 today and he's really good at it. If you have a 12 yo boy, you
The one thing I respect most about Philip is his huge heart. He is so tolerant. He sees everyone as a potential friend. He's not intimidated by race, disability, wealth, coolness, etc. I think most of us have subconscious standards that we judge people by whether we like it or not. He's able to look right past the surface and concentrate on what is good about a person. I want to be more like him in that way. If someone is hurt, he's the first one to try and give comfort. He can't stand to see someone in pain.

Here's Phil with his cake that he made and a nerf gun Nanny and Papa bought for him.